[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Fri Feb 14 18:39:01 UTC 2020
Dear Needham Public Schools Families:
As we begin the February break, allow me to share the following updates:
*• Student Achievements *Supported by dedicated teachers and caring
families, many NPS students have enjoyed success in and outside of the
classroom. Some recent student accolades:
*The MA Regional Boston Globe/MFA Scholastic Art Awards *
*Needham High School* Silver Key recipients for Art: *Gabriela Long*, *Ryle
Sammut*, *Leroy Shaigorodsky... *Honorable Mention: *Katharine
Buffinger, **Chloe
Diamond, **Mark Elman, **Charlotte Greif, **Yutong Huang, **Avery Matthias*
, *Caroline Pollan, **Helena Zhan*g.
*Pollard Middle School* student *Gabriela Diaz* was also awarded Honorable
*Massachusetts All State Music Festival*
*NHS *students *Will Anderson, Lauren Biedron, Leyna Blume,
Kenneth Crossman, Matthew Duthaler, Katherine Rock, Nadia Cho, Ryan Judge,
and Advika Krishnan* were selected to participate in the festival,
culminating with a performance at Symphony Hall.
*Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Junior District 2020
Music Festival *The following students were accepted into the MMEA
Music Festival. *NHS: **Rose Halford, **Evelyn Lockwood Mullaney, **Jill
Mullaney, **Natalia Rodriquez, **Claire Skatrud, **Juliana Swartz **Pollard
Middle School: **Armen Burdick, **Josie George, **Jonathan Gregg, **Sarah
Huang, **Alissa Kahn, **Ben Kelly, **Zachary Weiskopf, **Laura Krauss, **David
Less, **Cameron Markowitz, **Henry McCue, **Boyoung Paik, **Eli
St**anley, **Amiya
Tess, **Joshua Van Dam*
Congratulations to our students and their teachers and parents who
encourage and empower their success!
*• Superintendent's **Blog *My post highlights a conversation I recently
had with a parent about a school program: No, I am not color blind
*• Needham Schools Spotlight* The most recent cable show features a great
conversation about our breakfast and lunch programs, including information
about our new policy around so-called "lunch shaming" and updates about
food composting and recycling efforts in our cafeterias: Spotlight on
Nutrition Services
*• Opportunities for Boston Families* I am looking forward to attending a
METCO parent meeting at 12th Baptist Church in Boston on Thursday, February
27th at 6:00 p.m. to share school updates. Also, the Needham School
Committee will hold their regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 6:00
p.m. on Tuesday, March 10th at the Jeremiah Burke High School in
Dorchester. All are invited to attend both events!
*• School Committee Open House *The Needham School Committee and Citizens
for Needham Schools <https://www.citizensforneedhamschools.com/> (CNS)
will co-sponsor a spring Open House on Saturday morning, April 4th from 9
until 10:30 a.m. at the Sunita L. Williams Elementary School. This is an
opportunity for parents and members of the community to connect informally
with the School Committee and share questions, concerns, and ideas about
the schools. Members of CNS will be on hand to participate in the
conversations and share updates about their work in support of the schools.
*• **Civic an**d Spelling Bees *Please consider participating in or
attending the upcoming Needham League of Women Voters Civics Bee
<https://lwv-needham.org/civics-bee-2020/> scheduled for Sunday, March 22nd
at Broadmeadow. Also, the annual Needham Education Foundation Spelling Bee
<https://www.nefneedham.org/> is scheduled for Sunday, March 15th at
Needham High School. These are two wonderful, fun, and educational
opportunities for the entire community.
I hope you and your families enjoy a restful *and* play filled February
vacation. Please know it is an incredible honor for me to serve as your
superintendent who gets to observe and interact with awesome young scholars
each day.
As always, feel free to contact me at 781.455.0400, x11203 or
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us if you have any questions, comments, or
Dan Gutekanst
Superintendent of Schools
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