[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update

Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Wed Mar 18 00:28:51 UTC 2020

March 17, 2020

8:15 p.m.

Dear Needham Public Schools Families:

Allow me to share some additional updates about the school closure and how
we will be able to support your children during this time.

Many of you may be eager to hear what learning options and resources are
available for your children. We acknowledge that it is not possible to
replicate the caring instructional environment of the classroom remotely,
but the teachers and administrators of the Needham Public Schools are
working each day to develop a thoughtful and coordinated plan to support
you. The staff is collaborating on enrichment activities and finding ways
to stay engaged with our students and families while school is not in

Families in grades K to 5 will receive a curated list of resources by
Friday, March 20th; Middle School families will receive cluster-specific
resources on Saturday, March 21st; and High School students will receive
department and teacher specific learning activities on Monday morning,
March 23rd. Throughout the week of March 23rd and moving forward, teachers
and counselors will be reaching out to their students during regular school
hours. All of the learning opportunities are recommended but not required.
The work will not be graded nor will we introduce new curriculum or new
units of study.

In the meantime, families and students may want to check out their school’s
Technology Center websites for links to different online learning resources
and reminders about Digital Citizenship and/or advice on managing
children’s device usage. There are also some grade-level appropriate apps
you may wish to consider to download or use.

Broadmeadow <http://broadmeadow.needham.k12.ma.us/classrooms/technology>

Eliot <http://eliot.needham.k12.ma.us/classrooms/technology>

Mitchell <http://mitchell.needham.k12.ma.us/classrooms/technology_center>

Newman <http://newman.needham.k12.ma.us/classrooms/technology>

Sunita Williams

High Rock

Pollard <https://sites.google.com/a/needham.k12.ma.us/family_tech/>

Needham High School

Learning from home is a solution to the need for social distancing, but
social connection is an important protective factor for all of us. Our
challenge is to find new ways to connect because it is risky for children
to hang out in large groups or be together on the playground, which is why
all school playgrounds have been closed.

Our community partners, Needham Public Health
<http://www.needhamma.gov/85/Public-Health>*,* Needham Health and Human
Services <https://www.needhamma.gov/3303/Health-Human-Services>, and
the Needham
Community Council <http://needhamcommunitycouncil.org/services/> are
helping to meet the needs of families during this crisis. Families may
contact the Needham Community Council, for example, to get meals and food.
We recognize that our Boston resident students and families need resources
closer to home and we are thankful that METCO, Inc. <https://metcoinc.org/>
provides a list of services and supports.

I will continue to provide necessary updates and information via email, the NPS
website <http://www.needham.k12.ma.us/>, and on NPS Twitter
throughout the school closure.

Finally, let me acknowledge that I understand these times are
extraordinary, uncertain, and can be exhausting, especially for the adults
who may be anxious about a loved one’s health, their jobs, and protecting
young families. During the days and weeks ahead, let’s acknowledge we will
make mistakes, and we will need to practice patience, perspective, and
empathy.  Let's remember to check on one another and our neighbors,
especially the elderly.  I’m reminded of something Mother Teresa urged
others to consider during tumultuous times: “Never be so busy as not to
think of others.”  Throughout her life, Mother Teresa also urged us to
smile often.  Great advice for these times!

While the schools are closed, please continue to reach out to me at
781-455-0400 x11203 or dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us

Thank you to all those who are partners in ensuring the safety and
wellbeing of our community.


Dan Gutekanst


Needham Public Schools
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