[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update

Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update superintendents_update at lists.needham.mec.edu
Fri Dec 8 16:45:49 EST 2017

Dear Needham Public Schools Families:

Earlier today many Needham High School students protested recent incidents
of racially charged and homophobic graffiti discovered in two boys'
bathrooms at the high school by walking out of classes around lunch time.

During the walkout students were civil, peaceful, and supportive of one
another. Principal Aaron Sicotte and the high school staff have
demonstrated tremendous patience and wisdom in dealing with this situation,
and I especially appreciate how they have encouraged students to be
respectful and mature as they have discussed and confronted the
unacceptable and hateful incidents of graffiti. It is not easy to manage
the many perspectives, emotions, and anxieties of almost 1,700 adolescents,
and I am thankful for their ability to nurture an environment where young
adults can talk about important issues and learn from one another.

I am also thankful that all of our schools, with your support and
encouragement, have high expectations for our students' behavior, including
how they are expected to treat one another in a kind, caring, and
respectful way - and in a way that acknowledges and honors human
differences. We do this work imperfectly, but I am proud of our students'
efforts and the support of their teachers and administrators.

What follows is Principal Sicotte's letter to high school parents. Like Mr.
Sicotte suggests, I urge parents to make this an opportunity to talk to
your children, as appropriate, about their experiences and our work
together as parents and educators to support their growth and learning.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments:
781.455.0400, x203 or dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us

Dan Gutekanst

Superintendent of Schools


NHS Families,

I want to provide you an update on our collective work to create a
respectful and welcoming environment for all at Needham High School.

Earlier today, a group of students organized a walk out at the start of our
lunch block. The goals were to make it clear that the recent graffiti was
unacceptable and to push for greater equality for all at Needham High
School. By our estimates between 250 and 300 students joined the protest
and heard from a range of speakers who told of their experiences, read
poems, chanted, and emphasized unity and the need for equality. The
speakers, the signs, and the audience were all very respectful. When the
speakers finished, the group marched toward the Memorial Field parking lot
and around the baseball field, continuing to chant. At the end of the walk
out, students returned to class where teachers engaged all of our students
in conversations about the walk out, the recent graffiti, our climate
overall, and how we can all work to improve NHS. Today’s protest was a
powerful display of the very skills we teach our students in the Needham
Public Schools - self-advocacy; standing up for others; having respectful
and civil exchanges of ideas; working collaboratively. It was also a
student-driven chance to have some difficult and uncomfortable
conversations about what it feels like to be a student at NHS when you are
in a minority group.

These in-class conversations were an opportunity to engage our entire
student body. They will not be the last opportunity, though. We have much
work ahead of us. That work will consist of a close partnership between the
adults in the building and our students, providing opportunities for all
voices to be heard. With all that has happened this week and all of the
processing still being done, we are not collectively ready to decide all of
the steps we will take from here. I do know there will be many steps, and
they will be varied and include opportunities for everyone to take part in
the work, and chances for invested students to lead. It will also be
balanced between taking advantage of the tremendous expertise we have in
the building (students and staff alike) and with drawing on the experience
of those outside the building who may help guide our work.

We are fortunate to have exceptional students at Needham High School (and
we thank you for that!). It is the rare scenario that someone strives to be
offensive. It is the more common scenario that their impact is offensive
when their intention was not. Those are opportunities for learning. We will
continue to focus on that learning and growing. And we will continue to
focus on ensuring Needham High School is a safe and respectful place for
each and every one of our students.

As essential as this work is, I also want to acknowledge that it is
difficult work. It can create discomfort, and uncertainty for those taking
part, and for a range of reasons. We want to make sure we are doing all we
can to increase people’s comfort with sharing their own experiences and
thoughts and hearing the experiences and thoughts of those around them in a
respectful, civil exchange. I encourage you to talk to your child about
what happened at school today.  We believe parents are our students first
and most important teachers, and a conversation over the dinner table can
be an invitation to continue the learning and growing.  If you have any
questions, suggestions, or feedback please let me know.


Aaron Sicotte


Needham High School
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