[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Thu Jan 30 21:33:22 UTC 2025
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Dear Needham Public Schools Community:
In the last several days I have received requests from staff and parents to
explain how the Needham Public Schools intends to respond to the barrage of
Executive Orders (EO) coming out of Washington. Whether it has to do with
immigration, civil rights, freezing Federal education funds, transgender
rights, or K-12 curriculum overhauls, it is difficult to keep up with the
news of yet another EO being signed by the President.
Let me be clear: The Needham Public Schools will not react and respond to
each of these Executive Orders as if they are the law of the land. Instead,
we will review each one as necessary and, based on existing educational
laws passed by Congress (e.g., the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act or IDEA), Federal Civil Rights law, Massachusetts State laws, MA
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education regulations (e.g.,
Curriculum Frameworks) and Needham School Committee policies, we will
determine what, if anything, requires adjustment or correction. We will
also make decisions about our schools, students, and staff based on the
District’s Strategic Plan and the Portrait of a Needham Graduate framework,
which includes, among other things, explicit and purposeful language about
equity, inclusion, and antiracist practices.
If an Executive Order runs contrary to established law and our District’s
framework, we will not give it further consideration. In other words, we
will stay the course unless it is unconstitutional or illegal to do so.
I am concerned about the impact that Executive Orders targeting immigrant
families is having on some Needham families and students. Today I learned
that there is at least one student in our District who has missed school
due to the fear of ICE detaining members of the family. One child missing
school is too many. It is unacceptable that any parent feels compelled to
keep their child home due to the worry that a member of the family,
including the student, could be apprehended and detained. Our schools are
safe, and we do not allow Federal law enforcement into our schools without
an authorized warrant signed by a judge. Furthermore, our strong
partnership with the Needham Police, who are not allowed to enforce Federal
immigration laws, means that we continue to collaborate to prioritize the
safety and wellbeing of all students and staff.
This morning Needham principals and administrators met with an immigration
attorney to learn more about our responsibilities as school leaders and
discuss appropriate protocols and procedures for keeping students safe,
including securing student records and information. We will continue to
work with families to ensure they understand that our responsibility is to
keep students safe and learning in school. We will continue to follow
Federal and State laws in order to provide a comprehensive, academically
rich, and inclusive educational program, one that respects the unique
qualities, abilities, and talents of the wonderful children of this
For additional information about our responsibilities as a District to
protect all students and their information, please review this document
from the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office. I also encourage you to read
my latest blog post <https://npssuperintendent.blogspot.com/> which
includes a letter I sent to high school students in February of 2017 in the
aftermath of other Executive Orders issued at that time.
Please also let me know if you have any questions or concerns by reaching
out directly to my office.
Dan Gutekanst
Superintendent of Schools
Needham Public Schools
1330 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02492
781-455-0400 x11203
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us
ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance
services are available to you free of charge. Contact your child’s school
for assistance.
Chinese (Simplified): 请注意:如果您的母语不是英语,我们将免费提供您语言辅助服务。如需协助,请与您孩子 的学校联系。
Spanish: ATENCION: Si usted habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, hay
servicios de asistencia lingüística disponibles gratis. Contacte la escuela
de su hijo para asistencia.
Russian: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы не говорите на английском языке, для вас
доступны бесплатные языковые сервисы на вашем языке. Обратитесь за помощью
в школу, в которой учится ваш ребенок.
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