[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Fri Dec 30 21:39:00 UTC 2022
Dear Needham Public Schools Families:
Happy New Year! I hope the December break provided ample space and time
for families to gather and spend time together. My wife Karen and I
enjoyed a peaceful Christmas holiday with our three daughters who flew in
to celebrate. (The Southwest Air traveler stayed a little longer, so that
was nice for us!) Allow me to share the following updates as we begin a new
year and return to classes next week:
*• Health and Safety *It's important, especially after the holiday
gatherings and travel, for parents to assess the health of their child
before sending them to school. If a child is not feeling well or has COVID
symptoms, the child should stay home and be seen by a medical provider. If
you have a question about your child's wellbeing or are in need of a COVID
test kit, please contact your school nurse for information. The NPS remain
a "mask friendly" learning environment, and we support students, staff, and
families who choose to wear a mask upon return from the vacation period or
throughout the school year.
*• Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent* On Monday, January 9th at 8:00
p.m. I will host the next Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent for
families and parents. The link to the meeting is here: Virtual Coffee
with the Superintendent
Virtual Coffee 8:00 p.m.
this meeting I will highlight five key efforts in our district's strategic
plan, and then I will open up the conversation to general questions and
comments from participants. The zoom meeting will last 45 minutes and will
not be recorded; additional and planned dates include: February 13, March
20, April 10 and May 22. I look forward to seeing you!
• 2023-24 School Year Budget Proposal Recently, I shared my preliminary
budget proposal for the 2022-23 school year
(Fiscal Year 24) with the School Committee. I believe the budget proposal
will provide the resources we need to continue to serve our students and
address school and district priorities as outlined in the Portrait of a
Needham Graduate Strategic Plan
The School Committee will hold a Public Hearing on the budget on Tuesday,
January 17th at 6:30 p.m. at Broadmeadow (also via zoom and cable
television) and all community members, parents, students, and staff are
welcome to participate. Detailed information about the budget plan is
available on the district’s website: FY24 Budget Proposal
*• Superintendent's Blog* My most recent post, Reflections on Lunch Duty
<http://npssuperintendent.blogspot.com/> is available.
*• 10 Minutes With... *The latest and quick, 10 minute video featuring 5
New Year's Resolutions for 2023
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc9yQmR9ftE> is now available.
Here's to a safe and healthy 2023 to you and your family!
Dan Gutekanst
Superintendent of Schools
Needham Public Schools
1330 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02492
781-455-0400 x11203
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us
ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance
services are available to you free of charge. Contact your child’s school
for assistance.
Chinese (Simplified): 请注意:如果您的母语不是英语,我们将免费提供您语言辅助服务。如需协助,请与您孩子 的学校联系。
Spanish: ATENCION: Si usted habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, hay
servicios de asistencia lingüística disponibles gratis. Contacte la escuela
de su hijo para asistencia.
Russian: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы не говорите на английском языке, для вас
доступны бесплатные языковые сервисы на вашем языке. Обратитесь за помощью
в школу, в которой учится ваш ребенок.
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