[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Sun Jan 31 22:44:05 UTC 2021
Dear Needham Public Schools Families:
Allow me to share this brief update on the predicted snowstorm heading our
way Monday afternoon into Tuesday:
To the degree it is possible and safe to do so, I'd like our planned school
schedule for Tuesday to remain the same. *That means having a remote
learning day on Tuesday if the projected weather conditions warrant a
school building closure, and that is likely given the latest reports.* However,
if it becomes clear early on that power outages are impacting a broad
region, we will have a snow day with no classes. If we keep Tuesday as a
remote learning day, students will finish classes on Friday, June 18th; a
snow day with no classes means the last student day becomes Monday, June
It is not my intention to do away with traditional New England snow days.
We still have plenty of winter ahead, and I expect that we will have more
inclement weather. A March snowstorm could likely end up providing an
opportunity for a traditional snow day, especially knowing how long that
month sometimes feels. But in this most unexpected year when our lives -
and the education of our students - have been upended, I do believe
sticking to a school routine, even if it is remote, provides some semblance
of normalcy for our students.
I have asked teachers to be flexible and consider modifying lessons and the
amount of time spent online so that students will have some time to enjoy
the snow and perhaps assist a neighbor with clearing a sidewalk or
driveway. Principals and teachers will communicate plans and schedules
within the next day.
Finally, if it becomes clear tomorrow late in the morning that afternoon
travel will become treacherous, we will dismiss classes early so our
students from Boston and Needham can get home safely. If this becomes
necessary, we will alert families through our emergency notification system.
Thanks for your patience and partnership as we navigate COVID and New
England weather!
Dan Gutekanst
Superintendent of Schools
Needham Public Schools
1330 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02492
781-455-0400 x11203
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us
ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance
services are available to you free of charge. Contact your child’s school
for assistance.
Chinese (Simplified): 请注意:如果您的母语不是英语,我们将免费提供您语言辅助服务。如需协助,请与您孩子 的学校联系。
Spanish: ATENCION: Si usted habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, hay
servicios de asistencia lingüística disponibles gratis. Contacte la escuela
de su hijo para asistencia.
Russian: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы не говорите на английском языке, для вас
доступны бесплатные языковые сервисы на вашем языке. Обратитесь за помощью
в школу, в которой учится ваш ребенок.
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