[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update

Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update superintendents_update at lists.needham.k12.ma.us
Wed Dec 22 22:28:45 UTC 2021

Dear Needham Public Schools Families:

As we head into the holiday break, let me share a few important updates:

*• Health and Safety*  I shared a health and safety update
with the School Committee last evening, and I encourage you to review it.
We have seen an increase in positive cases
within the Needham Public Schools but impacted students are not getting
seriously ill or they have no symptoms at all.

In consultation with Needham Public Health, we will limit COVID positive
contact tracing over the vacation period. If Needham Public Health learns
of a student’s positive laboratory test over the break and the student was
in school during the contagious period, impacted staff and the families of
that individual’s classmates will be notified of the potential exposure by
email. *School nurses and principals will not be available over the break
and will respond to family inquiries or questions as soon as possible
beginning on Monday, January 3rd.*

• Inclement Weather & Remote Learning Days  Massachusetts Commissioner of
Elementary and Secondary Education Jeff Riley has confirmed recently that
at this time school districts will not be allowed to hold a remote learning
day in lieu of a traditional snow day. In the event of a school
cancellation due to inclement weather, we will have a traditional "snow
day" and make the day up in June.

Unfortunately, this winter the Town of Needham, like many communities
statewide, is struggling to get all the plow operators they have had in the
past to clear roadways and sidewalks in a timely fashion.  This could mean
that a delay or even a cancellation is more likely if I do not feel the
road, sidewalk, or parking conditions are acceptable.  At the same time,
all of us will have to be patient as we navigate parking areas and
neighborhood sidewalks that might have more snow accumulation than we’d
prefer. In some cases, parents may need to drive their children to school
rather than allow them to walk on icy sidewalks or roads that have not been
cleared. For more information about weather related school delays and
cancellations: 2021-22 NPS School Delays and Cancellations

• 2021-22 School Year Budget Proposal  Recently, I shared my preliminary
budget proposal for the 2021-22 school year
(Fiscal Year 23) with the School Committee.  I believe the budget proposal
will provide the resources we need to continue to serve our students and
address school and district priorities as outlined in the Portrait of a
Needham Graduate Strategic Plan
The School Committee will hold a Public Hearing on the budget on Tuesday,
January 18th at 6:30 p.m. and all community members, parents, and staff are
welcome to participate.  Detailed information about the budget plan is
available on the district’s website:  FY23 Budget Proposal

*• 10 Minutes with Tamatha Bibbo and Jessica Downey  *Please check out my
latest (quick!) ten minute interview with Pollard Principal Tamatha Bibbo
and High Rock Principal Jessica Downey:  10 Minutes with Our Middle School
Principals <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMrsR6PtYuM>

*•  2022-23 School Calendar *Many folks who are planning summer vacations
have called to inquire about the status of the school calendar for the next
academic year.  The School Committee will consider and vote on a 2022-23
calendar sometime in February.  One thing I can share is that I will most
likely recommend that school start before Labor Day given that the holiday
is Monday, September 5, 2022.  In that case, classes for students would
start no earlier than Wednesday, August 31st.  Stay tuned for a finalized
2022-23 school calendar later this winter.

*• News You Need(ham)* is an electronic newsletter, which is sent out
weekly from the Town of Needham. It includes helpful information that
residents rely on. Here is the latest newsletter:
https://mailchi.mp/needhamma/the-news-you-needham-5013794 and a link to

Finally, as we head into the vacation week let me take this opportunity to
thank NPS families for your ongoing support, generous spirit, and genuine
willingness to engage and connect.  The work we are privileged to do with
your children each day is an awesome responsibility and a great honor.  Our
amazing staff deserve some serious down time this holiday, and I hope NPS
families will also make space for relaxation, play, and perhaps a good book
or movie.

*To those celebrating the holiday, a peaceful and Merry Christmas to you
and your families!*

We'll see you in the New Year!


Dan Gutekanst
Superintendent of Schools
Needham Public Schools
1330 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA 02492
781-455-0400 x11203
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us

ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance
services are available to you free of charge. Contact your child’s school
for assistance.

Chinese (Simplified): 请注意:如果您的母语不是英语,我们将免费提供您语言辅助服务。如需协助,请与您孩子 的学校联系。

Spanish: ATENCION: Si usted habla un idioma que no sea el inglés, hay
servicios de asistencia lingüística disponibles gratis. Contacte la escuela
de su hijo para asistencia.

Russian: ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы не говорите на английском языке, для вас
доступны бесплатные языковые сервисы на вашем языке. Обратитесь за помощью
в школу, в которой учится ваш ребенок.
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