[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update

Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update superintendents_update at lists.needham.mec.edu
Tue Jan 10 16:56:01 EST 2012

Dear Needham Families:

Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year!  Allow me
also to share two important updates:

•  Budget Hearing  The School Committee is currently considering a 5.7%
increase in the budget for the 2012-13 school year (FY13).  The budget
plan addresses growing enrollment at the secondary level by adding new
teachers at High Rock, Pollard and the high school, and the proposal also
provides funding to maintain existing programs.  The School Committee is
working closely with the school administration, Finance Committee, and
Town Manager's office to ensure that resources are available to provide a
quality educational program for each Needham student. However, providing
adequate resources for schools has become increasingly challenging,
especially as Federal stimulus dollars are depleted and local and state
revenues are uncertain.  My blog posting shares some of the challenges we
are facing this budget season:  [ http://npssuperintendent.blogspot.com/
]Superintendent's Blog 

The School Committee encourages you to attend the upcoming Budget Hearing
scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00 p.m. at Broadmeadow to learn
more about the budget proposal and share your comments, questions, and
concerns.  The School Committee wants to hear from parents, especially
around the need for additional classroom teachers and whether or not the
School Committee should significantly increase school bus transportation
fees due to rising costs for bus service.

It will be critical for parents, students, and the community to weigh in
on the budget and offer your perspective and voice.  You may view
additional information and an outline of the proposed NPS budget on the
district's website: [ http://rwd1.needham.k12.ma.us/finance/Budget ]FY13
Proposed School Budget

•  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration  Parents, students,
and members of the community are invited to attend next Monday's (January
16th) observance of Martin Luther King Day at Needham High School
beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the school's auditorium.  Please join the
Needham Clergy Association, The Town of Needham Human Rights Committee,
and the Needham Public Schools as we "Bring the dream to Needham... and
live the dream together!"

As always, please feel free to contact me with questions or comments.


Dan Gutekanst

Superintendent of Schools
781.455.0400 x 203
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us 

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