[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.mec.edu
Fri Jun 18 10:38:23 EDT 2010
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As the year concludes, allow me to update you on a few items:
District Goals Report The School Committee heard an update about the
progress of the 2009-10 district goals at their last meting of the school
year. Please click on [ http://rwd1.needham.k12.ma.us/school_committee/
]2009-10 Goals Update to view the report and learn more about the work of
our teachers, administrators, students, parents, and community members as
we collaborate to support the Needham Schools. The Needham School
Committee was also recently featured on a Needham Schools Spotlight cable
program discussing the goals and the work they have accomplished this past
year. Check out [ http://greisnet.com/tnc.nsf/Page%202!OpenPage ]The
Needham Channel Program Schedule for broadcast times and information.
Science Grant We were thrilled to learn that the Science Center was
awarded a $69,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency for the
next two years. Not only will this provide additional resources to enrich
science education, particularly environmental education, this grant and
others we are working on will help our budget in these challenging times.
Student Learning and Graduation Congratulations to all of our students
who showcased their efforts in the schools' art shows and performed so
well in various concerts and music performances over the last several
weeks. Additionally, throughout the district, teachers and staff have been
working closely with students to prepare for exams, final class
presentations, and exhibitions of student work. Recently, for example, a
few Newman students (assisted by Joyce Silberman and Martha Wells) shared
their science projects with the School Committee. The students, like all
of the students I have been observing in classrooms, were earnest,
articulate, and poised. Equally poised (and smiling broadly!) were the
365 members of the Needham High School Class of 2010 who received their
diplomas on Memorial Field last week. Congratulations to the graduates
and their families. School Committee Chair Connie Barr's graduation
remarks may be found on the district's website: [
http://rwd1.needham.k12.ma.us/school_committee/ ]Dr. Barr's Graduation
Also, to view a Needham Schools Spotlight show featuring several NHS
seniors who share their perspectives on their Needham experience, click on
this link: [ http://www2.needham.k12.ma.us/nhs/TV-nps/09-10/Senior.htm
]Needham Schools Spotlight: Senior Perspectives
Congratulations Retiring Staff! As our retiring teachers and staff
conclude over 350 combined years of service to Needham's students, we wish
them the blessings of good health and happiness in the years ahead:
Linda Conneely, Marion Daley, Emilie Green, Pat Schuchard, Frances
Fleming, Irene Guiney, Leo Hogan, Susan Duncan, Jim Modena, Jeanne
Goodwin, Margie Modena, Maureen Graham, Gloria Krueger, Eva Horowitz,
Gayle Pinshaw, Valerie Flynn
Superintendent's Blog You may find my latest posting (a salute to the
NHS Class of 2010) here: http://npssuperintendent.blogspot.com/
Finally, please know that I continue to be so impressed with Needham's
young people and the work they have accomplished. Of course, we recognize
that parents are their first and most important teachers, and we
appreciate all you do to support our efforts in the classroom and
schoolhouse. As I visit the schools, I observe enthusiastic and confident
students who are eager to share their knowledge and help one another. It
is clear that they embody the district's values of Scholarship,
Citizenship, Community, and Personal Growth inside and outside of the
I am very proud to be your superintendent of schools!
Best wishes for a safe and healthy summer with your family and friends.
Dan Gutekanst, Ed.D
dan_gutekanst at needham.k12.ma.us
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