[Superintendent's Update] Superintendent's Update
Needham Public Schools Superintendent's Update
superintendents_update at lists.needham.mec.edu
Fri Jun 26 10:32:26 EDT 2009
June 26, 2009
Dear Needham Families:
As the school year concludes today, allow me to update you on a few items:
• Student Creativity Congratulations to all of our students who
showcased their efforts in the schools' art shows and performed so well in
various concerts and music performances over the last several weeks. It
is clear that this community values creativity as evidenced by the skill
and talent of our young people and the staff and parents who support them.
• Graduation 306 members of the Needham High School Class of 2009
received their diplomas on the newly renovated Memorial Field earlier this
month during the Graduation Exercises attended by faculty, family, and
friends. The graduates beamed throughout the ceremony as each one
received his or her diploma from Principal Richards and members of the
School Committee. In addition, during the traditional Class Day, over
$150,000 in scholarships and honors were awarded to deserving NHS seniors.
These scholarships represent the community's continued support and
commitment to the young people of Needham High School.
• Newman Elementary School Update The architectural firm Drummey,
Rosane, and Anderson (DRA) has been selected by the Permanent Public
Building Committee (PPBC) and the Massachusetts School Building Authority
(MSBA) to propose a schematic design, including costs, for a renovation of
the Newman Elementary School's heating and ventilation infrastructure and
other related needs. DRA is on the fast track to finish the schematic
design because we wish to secure an agreement for up to 40% reimbursement
from the MSBA at their September meeting. Of course, the PPBC, the School
Committee, and other town boards will need to approve a final design and
costs before the entire project goes to the voters sometime late next fall
or early winter. This school renovation project will be an important
project for the entire community to understand and support. More
information and an opportunity to hear about the project will be available
at a public presentation planned for July. I will notify parents with a
specific date when it is established.
• Newman Interim Principal Ms. Rita Bissonnette-Clark has accepted my
offer to be the interim principal at the Newman Elementary School for the
2009-10 school year. Ms. Bissonnette-Clark began her career as a teacher
in Concord and eventually assumed responsibility as a K-12 Curriculum
Coordinator for the Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle School
District. In 1999 Rita became the principal of the Nixon School in
Sudbury where she served until her retirement in 2006. Rita earned her
B.S. in education at Boston University, a Masters in counseling at
Fitchburg State College, and she completed her Certificate in Advanced
Graduate Studies (CAGS) in educational administration at Lesley
Rita has decided to come out of retirement and is extremely eager to work
in a school like Newman, which is clearly focused on student learning.
She understands and is excited about the opportunity to work with a
supportive and active parent community. Please join me in welcoming Rita
Bissonnette-Clark to the Needham Public Schools!
Finally, please know that I continue to be so impressed with Needham's
young people and the work they have accomplished. As I visit the schools
and classrooms, I observe enthusiastic and confident students who are
eager to share their knowledge and help one another. It is clear that
they embody the district's values of Scholarship, Citizenship, Community,
and Personal Growth inside and outside of the classroom.
I am very proud to be the superintendent of schools in this community!
Thanks for your guidance and support and enjoy the summer months with your
Dan Gutekanst, Ed.D.
dan_gutekanst at nnedham.k12.ma.us
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